
Where can I find information about caring for my stone?


Please see our Caring For It – Stone and Tile page. You can download our free Stone and Tile Care Guide. It provides a wealth of information pertaining to caring for your stone. Feel free to keep it on hand and pass it around.


Our natural stone countertops are no longer shiny. How do we get the shine back?


Many times when a customer asks us why their countertop is not shiny anymore, it is as simple as some sort of film is sitting on the surface. This happens when one does not use the proper cleanser, or when they clean their granite surface with water and dish soap. (This will eventually lead to soap film build up.)

But other things may result in dull countertops. If the countertops are marble, it could be that they have been etched and will probably need to be professionally honed and repolished.

Give us a call. We can discuss solutions for you.


How much dust will be created during the restoration of my marble floor?


There is no dust created during the restoration process, because we use diamond abrasives and water.